Imagine Mutlimedia Publishing Intern

From April 2024 to June 2024, I worked as the Multimedia Publishing Intern for UCSB Imagine. Imagine is a academic journal that aims to showcase the research of UCSB students. The journal was made in collaboration between the McNairs Scholars and the Promise Scholars programs. Both programs are dedicated to aiding low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented students in their undergraduate pursuits.

As the multimedia publishing intern, I do all the work to publish the finished articles to the Imagine website. Imagine publishes one issue per year, with the first issue being published last year. I have learned the Drupal interface for the journal to add the articles, bios, images, colors, and other design elements to the existing website. This experience greatly expanded my knowledge and skills in web publishing, as I had to learn Drupal and web design basics. It also improved my communication, as I had to collaborate with my supervisors, other interns, and the authors.

What I did

  • Coordinated with Authors to recieve bios and photos
  • Communicated with the Editing Interns to obtain all the finalized student articles
  • Took photos myself or collected photos to use for the articles
  • Uploaded and formatted all articles, bios, and pictures
  • Added images and other design aspects that aligned with UCSB's brand guidelines

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